Nurse Manager
Part Time (Approximately 20 hours/week)
• Committed Christian
• Passionately Pro-life
• Full agreement with Hope PRC Statement of Faith, Mission Statement and policies
• Dependable and capable of following through with commitments
• Sincere desire to reach out with God’s love to people in distress
• Strong communication skills
• R.N. or B.S.N.
• Perform urine pregnancy tests, limited STD testing, Limited Obstetrical Ultrasounds and prenatal and medical care referrals.
• Assess and provide patient education concerning prevention, therapeutic and health maintenance of pertinent prenatal issues listed.
• Perform appropriate patient follow-up necessary to provide patient with further information about her health.
• Perform role as Privacy Officer of the clinic implementing the clinic’s policies and procedures necessary to protect the privacy of patient health information.
• Responsible for the development and maintenance of clinic’s medical records per clinic policies and procedures.
• Work alongside the Medical Director and Client Advocates to ensure that patients are receiving the best care possible.
• Responsible for the well-being of the patients/clients in the event of a disaster or emergency.
• Assist in changing, adding or deleting policies and procedures with review and oversight from the Executive Director, Medical Director and Board of Directors prior to implementation.
• Implement Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Policies and Procedures and provide appropriate training to staff and volunteers.
• Keep current professional licensures, training and certifications pertaining to her/his job title/position with ongoing center reviews per clinic policies and procedures.
• Perform engineering controls inspection of clinic area and maintenance of clinic equipment.
Medical Clinic Client Advocate
Part Time (approximately 20 hours/week)
• Committed Christian
• Passionately Pro-life
• Full agreement with Hope PRC Statement of Faith, Mission Statement and policies
• Dependable and capable of following through with commitments
• Sincere desire to reach out with God’s love to people in distress
• Strong communication skills
• Customer care experience
• Perform patient intake.
• Accompany patient during ultrasound as her advocate.
• Offer patient education regarding parenting, adoption, and abortion.
• Provide monthly patient follow up care with education and support until patient asks to discontinue.
• Remain up to date with training.
• Assist with client material resources when necessary.
Please contact Christy at hopeprcflag@gmail.com to apply or for more information.